About me

I am an edging-ever-so-close-to-40 year old mum of two who lives in East London with my daughter, my son, my partner and Bella the British Shorthair cat. I am a part-time web developer and decided to set this blog site up for two reasons:

  1. To increase my skills in web development and web content editing.
  2. To publish the hours of research I have done/am doing so that it can help others planning their family getaway.

Other than raising my children and creating websites; I enjoy travelling and have enjoyed a range of different holidays here in the UK and abroad. I enjoy being in the great outdoors so I prefer scenic holidays over resorts but since having our daughter we have taken mostly resort holidays for the entertainment options they provide families with.

We enjoy short camping trips/caravan holidays in the UK and try to travel abroad at least once per year for the sun. We love cruises for the travel opportunities they give us as well as the unlimited food and drink options. we only recently introduced our daughter to cruising (starting with the Disney Cruise UK Staycation) and she absolutely loved it too, so you can expect to see more cruise holidays on here soon.

My dream holiday is Disney World, Florida. I haven’t yet been but have planned an entire two week itinerary and spent more hours than I care to admit watching Adam Hattan (and Gary C) vlogs. One day I’l hopefully tick it off my list.